Thursday, June 4, 2015

Thursday Thoughts...Let's All Practice Acceptance

Happy Thursday Ladies!
We are pretty excited over here that we have exactly one week of school left...bring on summer..we are ready!
Unless you have been living under a rock, then I am sure you know the story taking over everything...the world has met Caitlyn Jenner.  And it wasn't long after it took over the internet and social media that people started voicing their opinion.  I have to say that I was blown away a bit by some of what I read.  It's so crazy to me see a feed on Facebook that goes from someone giving their opinion to an all out pissing contest and people defriending people left and right for not having the same views as themselves.  For a brief moment I thought it was 1991 and I was back in high school:)
A few months ago I did a post on my thoughts on vaccinating your child, you can read it here , and I must have stated a gazillion times I was simply giving MY opinons, and wow people can be so cruel, and holy heck there are people who think if you don't agree with them you are just an idiot...truth is I loathe people like that.  I respect everyone's opinions, I may not always agree with someone's views, but I will always respect them.  It's my opinion that many people just have zero respect for others, and that is just so wrong.
As I was going through Facebook Monday night, I sat there with my jaw dropped reading some of the comments and opinions of people.  I love that we are able to express our opinions freely, but it seems as though lately people just cross the line. 
These are solely just my opinions, I am not saying it is right or it is wrong, it is just how I feel.  When I watched the Diane Sawyer interview with Bruce Jenner, there were times during the interview I actually teared up.  It made me so sad to hear how this was something he struggled with his entire life.  Can you imagine not being able to be who you wanted to be because society says it's "wrong"?  I think it was very brave and courageous, why shouldn't he be able to live his life for himself, what is so wrong with him wanting to be happy? 
I had posted a comment on a feed saying we all need to stop judging him and others because they appear different than us, we just need to all concentrate on our own lives.  Well...that turned into a response about how God thinks its wrong, and the Bible says it's wrong, and well there is something just wrong and not ok with a kid being raised by two moms or two dads, no one is born like this, it's a choice....seriously...back down people!  Again, this is solely MY opinion, but I don't think this is something you choose, I do think people are born this way.  I have many friends that are gay, and I can say first hand, as I watched one of them struggle with "coming" out, that this wasn't a choice, it was who they are, right from the start.  I did get angry when I read the comment about how having two same sex parents is just awful and ruining our kids...I would love for that person to walk into Olivia's classroom and tell the little boy that lives at home with his two moms that...this little boy is happy, well rounded, social and most importantly living in a home surrounded with on earth can that possibly be so wrong and damaging?  Again, this is just my opinion. 
My feelings and opinions are so simple, everyone should be entitled to live their life the way that they see fit, the way that makes them happy.  I don't feel like it is for us to judge or say how someone should live their life.  Constant "labeling" needs to stop, it really doesn't matter if you are gay, lesbian, transgender, pink, purple, black or white, at the end of the day we are all the same aren't we...we are all human beings. 
Someone made a comment to me yesterday that they were praying for my children, because I am raising them not in God's word....I am raising my children to be accepting, to be kind to others, to not judge or ridicule someone because they live their life differently than we do.  I think what surprised me the most was how many self proclaimed God loving, Bible reading, church going people, are so judgemental and so unaccepting of people who are not living their life the way they think is right. 
I am not writing this today because I am hoping everyone reading this agrees with my views and opinions, I am writing it because I am sick and tired of seeing so much ugly out there in this world.  There is a difference between voicing your opinion and trying to jam your beliefs down someone's throat, and then getting nasty when they don't agree with you.  I admit that we don't go to church often, and I don't read the Bible, but I do believe in God, and I do believe that God wants for me to live my life in a way that is right for me, and no one else.  Kids, young children are taking their lives because they are constantly being made fun of for being "different", this to me is tragic.  I would never ever try and change someone's opinions or beliefs or values or anything like that, but what I would love to see is us parents to really teach our children how important it is to be accepting of all human beings, being kind is just not that hard, and if you just can't be nice, do as my mother told me when I was a little girl..."if you don't have anything nice to say then just keep your mouth shut". 
#truth....that's all
Thanks for taking the time to read today, be sure to check back tomorrow for Friday Favorites!


  1. Hi Kim,
    I really appreciate this post and the way in which it was written. I think you hit the nail on the head. Thank you for respectfully sharing your opinions.
    -Britt in NC

    1. Hi Britt, thanknyounsobmjc has for taking the time to read and comment

  2. Hi Kimm,

    I admit, I'm not on the same page as you with most of what you wrote, but I think the part that stood out most to me was where you commented that God wants you to live the life that's right for you. I do disagree strongly with that. God wants you to live your life for Him. If you believe in God, you have to believe in the whole truth - and that truth is that He sent his son to die on the cross for all of us sinners, so that we may one day spend eternity in Heaven. Our purpose on earth isn't to live in a way that makes US happy, but to live a life for Christ and share His word with others.

    It is sad when you encounter Christians being hypocritical like you mentioned, but at the same time Christians are sinners just like the rest of the world and that's why we all need Jesus. Leading a life that is "good" isn't enough to get to Heaven...ultimately we have to ask for forgiveness of our sins from the only one who can give it.

    1. Thank you so much for taking the time to comment and share your thoughts.

    2. I think that is one very simplistic, dogmatic opinion of "what God wants." I think that God wants us to be happy -- and to be the feet of Jesus. I think God wants us to spread the love of Christ, but also live authentic lives. What I don't think God wants is for His people to be mindless drones who were created solely to worship Him. Your version of Christianity (and it is a version, unless you have a direct line to the Lord himself) is very different than mine.

    3. Thank you for taking the time to comment and i agree we all have different views and opinions and its great they we can all voice them without being negative or nasty.

    4. Actually, I do agree with you, Anonymous - I was just trying to keep it short/simple for the sake of a blog comment, but I absolutely agree there is more to being a Christian than what I wrote :) When I said our purpose wasn't to live a life that makes us happy, I didn't mean that we shouldn't have happiness in life, but that the world has found a way to excuse sin by claiming we deserve to be happy, or it makes us happy. I'm not even sure that clarifies what I meant very well, but maybe it helps a little.

  3. Great post, Kimm!! I wholeheartedly agree with you.

  4. Very well said. “Judge not, and you will not be judged; condemn not, and you will not be condemned; forgive, and you will be forgiven"

  5. Kimm, I so admire your bravery for writing about subjects such as this and laying out what is on your heart! More importantly, trying to convey that it is your opinion and your opinion only---I mean, this is your blog :)

    I try to be open covering various topics on my blog but never write about things like this that might set off a myriad of conflicting comments. My goal is that as I develop my blog, I write about more "touchy" subjects because when you do it, it at least gets people thinking. It seems so many have their own interpretation of the Bible. As a believer, perhaps I am not as well versed in theology as I should be but I do know that it is not my place to judge.

    I so respect you letting your thoughts out :)

    1. What I write is always just my opinion and that's what's so great about the blog I can voice my opinion and welcome all those to voice theirs as well! Love you girl

  6. Kimm, I love this post and I thank you for your honesty. I don't always agree with things that you write about, but we are definitely on the same page today 😀. I find it ironic that so many God-fearing " Christians " are about the most intolerant and judgmental people on the planet. It's sad actually. Everyone deserves to be treated equally and everyone deserves to be happy and comfortable in their own skin. ---- Taryn G---

    1. Thank you for taking the time to comment Taryn. I love being able to voice my opinion just as much as I love hearing others viewpoints on the same subject. It's nice to be able to all agree to disagree like adults. Thanks for reading !

  7. We don't have to judge anyone it's definitely not our place, but rest assured they will be judged one day and most of them will bust hell wide open because if they were truly saved and living their lives he way God intended they would know being gay is living in pure sin. Not my "opinion" , it's what the Word of God says. Here's some scripture reference for you: Leviticus 18:22, 20:13, 1 Corinthians 6:9-10, Romans 1:26-28.

    1. Thank you for taking the time to comment and I really appreciate that no one has gotten "ugly" with their comments!

    2. But this, "most of them will bust hell wide open because if they were truly saved and living their lives the way God intended they would know being gay is living in pure sin." is judgment. We are ALL sinners. Most Christians (myself included) don't live their lives the way God intended. 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 also says that "adulterers, thieves, the greedy, and drunkards, will not inherit the kingdom of God." I know A LOT of Christians who have struggled with just one of the above sins. I don't feel like I get to say who will "bust hell wide open" because the Bible is FULL of commandments that most Christians struggle to keep. Social media has done Christians no favors when it comes to greed, envy, and pride, but most people aren't willing to look in the mirror and point the finger at themselves when they can point it at others. My problem is the hypocrisy. You, nor I , nor Kimm, nor any of her readers get to say who is "truly saved." Maybe it's the drunk, the liar, the cheat, the murderer, the pastor who embezzled from his congregation, the upstanding politico who ran on a platform of family values and got caught with a prostitute, the suburban mom with the million dollar home still craving more money, more clothes, more jewelry, more vacations, more, more, more. According to scripture, any of the above, is "living in pure sin." Each person's walk is between him/her and the Lord. He is the only one who truly knows each person's heart, and rest assured, he will judge us all. Kimm, thank you for your blog post. It was brave of you to address such a "hot" topic. I hope you didn't find my response "ugly" or trying to start drama.

    3. I absolutely didn't find your response ugly and I appreciate you taking the time to read and comment. I have zero issue with people , in a nice way, expressing their views! Thank you so much

  8. Stumbled upon your blog earlier today - beautiful post! You hit the nail on the head. I wish there were more Christians like you who can demonstrate the true meaning of tolerance, love, faith, forgiveness and kindness!

    1. Thank you for stopping by and for taking the time to comment. Have a great day.

  9. I don't blog but I enjoy reading so many, including yours. Do I agree with what everyone posts? No. That's life. Would I ever make ugly comments about someone's post? Absolutely never! I also believe that if you can't be kind- BE QUIET! I have always taught my children (now 26 and 22) that you don't need to blow out someone's candle to make yours burn brighter. That is probably my all time favorite saying! Its a big world people and there is plenty of room for all of us. Let's be kind <3

    1. Hey Kim! Thank you so much for commenting today. And now that is my favorite saying !!!!

    2. Everyone loves that saying! Its perfect! <3

  10. Happiness is not God's priority for his children. He wants for us to be more like Jesus, and that refinement does not come through happiness. the joy that you would find in knowing Him transcends all earthly circumstances. He loves you enough to have sacrificed His son to pay for your sins. There is no greater love than that!

    1. Yes!! Love this - perfectly said!

    2. Totally agree! His goal for us isn't happiness, but to be in a relationship with Him, and through that, we find true joy knowing that we are so very loved. So loved that He would give His only Son, Jesus, to die on the cross for us. There is no greater gift or act of love than that!

  11. I'm a little late to this party, but thanks for sharing your thoughts, Kimm. I rarely comment on such 'controversial' topics but just wanted thank you for raising your children to be kind and accepting, rather than cruel and judgemental. Happy weekend!

    1. Thanks for the kind words Morgan! As parents that's all we can do. Have a great weekend
